Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Design Buddy Day and a Very Nice Lunch thanks to AUCB!

I got to meet my Design Buddy today- Richard. Hopefully Richard and I are going to organize some meetings in which he can help and advise me through my Watford application process. After having a downer of a day yesterday, I think knowing I have another contact and some outside support will really be beneficial. I now just need to crack on with designing my website and devise a digital way to advertise a chocolate bar...yummmm.

Maybe flat screen, flat tum!

(If you hadn't guessed, I am quite partial to the odd piece of chocolate or cake) Luckily I am not as focussed on becoming a baker as I am a copywriter!

Anyway, the images below show some editorial work that I did for an article discussing the right for Homosexuals to be part of the Catholic religion. It was quite a controversial piece of text to illustrate, although I did enjoy the challenge. The piece below is a combination of pen and ink, acrylic paint and embroidery. 

This image was based on Darwin's theory of evolution. 

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