Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Day One on the Blogspot Page at 17.37pm:

Ok, so here we have my first ever blog, and to be honest, I am quite nervous about it as I don't know what I am doing. This has been a day I have been avoiding for way too long now as 1. I don't honestly like computers and technology that much and would rather write my views in a paper pad and 2. It is just one of those things that I was always 'going to do tomorrow'. Although I have now reached a stage in my life and my so-called creative career that I think it is essential that I do finally sort myself out with a Blog. (As any budding Art Director or Copywriter should)...

Anyway, I have now successfully set up this blog to record my creative ideas, opinions and views on the creative side of life really. I hope you enjoy it as much I do, taking creativity and innovation to a whole new level.

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