Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Catch up.

Its been about a week since I last updated the Blog- and what a busy week it's been. My postcards have now arrived and they do look good- even if I say so myself. So much so that I am now unsure whether I should print the final images for the exhibition on a semi gloss paper or 100% matte? decisions decisions...
I have also been preparing for my Watford interview and reading up on all the major ad agencies within the UK; all the creatives and which agency have which clients. My main struggle has been remembering all the abbreviations for the firms. For example, BMB, BBH, TBWA and WCRS. I still need to wise up on my advertising history...for example the WCRS Dambusters advert for Carling Black Label. (Apparently the most expensive advert ever made).

The above image is a clip from the famous Dambusters advert.

To continue on my theme of 'cool' Google images, I have one more to upload from the weekend. They have definitely proved to be a point of discussion between me and my friends! 

Going back to the theme of advertising, I just want to alert you to the new T-Mobile advert- a brilliantly funny Royal Wedding some what piss take. (Please excuse the language). It definitely made me chuckle when I saw it. The advert shows Royal look-a-likies bopping/ dancing down the red carpet at the church; they are so accuate, its hard to believe that its not Camilla enjoying a little grove!

The clip above shows 'Prince Charles' and 'Camilla' sharing a romantic wiggle'...

The Whole 'Royal Clan'.

Thats over and out folks!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Bill Sharp-

As a point of reference, I am going to add Bill Sharp to my list of research material. He is an artist/ painter of urban landscapes, in which many of his paintings have similar subject matter to my photographs. He primarily uses oil and watercolour paints, yet sometimes ventures into the world of mixed-media. 

Below are some examples of his recent work:

I have to say that I am not a fan of expressionist paintings, moreover I know that the fine art style of image doesn't support my style of work nor my preferred method of working, yet the subject matter does. I think the images above show, like my photographs, how our natural landscapes are being destroyed with the growth/ development of underpasses, train tracks and general construction. 

Latest Photographic work for EEEEMMMMMPPPP.

I am now on Easter break, and even though it should be a time for eating lots and lots of chocolate, sitting in the sun and taking walks along Bournemouth's beautiful beach, I am lucky if I get to leave my room for lunch. Sad times.

I am working on/ experimenting with new photographic images, layering, editing etc. I have also been monitoring my poor bean seeds as well as prepping for my Watford interview. (4 weeks today I may add). And even though that is a fair amount of time, I just feel under pressure to get everything done and to the best of my ability. I don't want to fall at the last hurdle- like the poor horses at the Grand National on Saturday...

I am trying to be as organized as possible and therefore have written my 2000 word reflective essay- although it needs re-structuring and doesn't actually need to be in an essay format. I have decided to submit it in the style of a little booklet so I can incorporate some of my Watford work. Unfortunately, as I have replaced my sketchbook with my blog for the EMP, I can't use my blog twice- ie. in replacement for writing the essay. Again, sad times. 

Anyhoo, below are some of my latest photographic experiments.

Over the past few weeks, I have found that I have a new interest. I am becoming increasingly fascinated by Google's creativity when it comes to their logo. I have been taking note on their varying topics, from cakes/ice-creams and food to Science and technology. It maybe insignificant to most people, but due to the amount of time I spend on Google and how reliant I am on them, I want to thank them for brightening up my daily internet experience. Thanks Google. On that note, below is yesterdays and today's designs.


Saturday, 9 April 2011

The Sun is out and the Beans are growing.

Its been about 10 days since I last checked on the beans, and there have 'bean' some major changes. Sorry for the awfully bad pun! Below are some of the photographs to document their progression.

The photos above show the seed that has had access to normal light conditions and has been maintained at room temperature. In contrast however, the pictures below document the seed that has been kept in the fridge. (Therefore restricted temperature). I am still surprised at how much the seed has grown despite the harsh conditions of the fridge drawer!

So that's it for today with the beans folks! Got to get on with some interview preparation for Watford! Scary stuff.

The only thing I have 'bean' considering (sorry, couldn't resist), is whether I should exhibit any of the Bean Seed photographs at the end of year show? I really like some of the pictures and think they make interesting images, yet I am unsure whether they would fit/ work alongside my landscape photographs. Something to think about I suppose.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Bean Seeds Continued...

Since starting the Runner Bean Seed experiment, I have become slightly excited about their development despite their unusual conditions. (I know they freak some people out)! Here are some more photos to record their recent growth activity...

I have also uploaded some new photo experiments that maybe part of my EMP submission. I am really enjoying Photoshop at the moment (and the results even more so). I hope you like them too :-)

I still just need to work out the size in which I want them printed and on which paper/ material. 

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Christine Hargreaves- Illustrator

Even though I have used photography all the way through my EMP, it has not stopped me researching, commenting and noting down other illustrators that have caught my eye. My latest addition is an illustrator called


I really like her simple, yet delicate approach to her drawings/ collages. Much of her work is based on wildlife, with birds being the subject matter for many of her images. She also divides her time between children's narrative illustrations and more sophisticated adult illustrations. 

Her main influences include landscape and the environment with a strong sense of colour. She primarily uses printing and painting techniques to create her images. I have added a couple of Hargreaves' illustrations below:

Once again, due to her subject matter of birds and Sparrows more specifically, I thought a reference to Hargreaves work would be quite relevant- especially as they are fairly endangered in urban, heavily built up areas; thus linking back to Biodiversity and the likes.


During a discussion regarding my EMP, the topic of BIODIVERSITY was mentioned- and not knowing much about it, I decided to research it further. I found it to be very interesting, and more to point, fairly relevant to my work and the point I am trying to express with my images.

Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) is an internationally recognized program addressing threatened species and habitats. It is designed to protect and restore biological systems. 

 ‘Biodiversity’ – is the term given to the variety of life on Earth, and the natural patterns formed as a result. Biodiversity has been defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), signed in 1992, as:

"The variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.”

The UK Government has called for the development and enforcement of national strategies and associated action plans to identify, conserve and protect existing biological diversity, and to enhance it wherever possible.  Action plans for the most threatened species and habitats have been set out to aid recovery.

England’s landscapes are valued by people for a variety of reasons and each is characterised by its own pattern of geology, landform, soils, vegetation, land use and human settlement, which create local distinctiveness.
Landscape is more than just 'the view'. It is about the complex, interacting natural and cultural systems that make up each landscape and it is also about the relationship between people, place and nature. It is therefore essential that we protect our natural environment and restrict our building and construction.
The aim is to conserve and enhance the natural environment and deliver high quality, environmentally sustainable development. For example, in London a total of £2.6m has been awarded to 12 projects in London under Natural England’s Access to Nature programme.
The grant scheme, which is funded by £28m from the Big Lottery Fund’s Changing Spaces programme, seeks to help communities to enjoy and improve the green spaces on their doorstep. For example, programs include:
  • bushcraft sessions;
  • hedge laying.
  • Green woodworking and creating habitats.

It is for this reason, when reading about Biodiversity, I thought it relevant to my work; 
Especially as I am commenting on how our natural environment is gradually becoming more restricted. This being due to the demands of people, increased construction and the increased need for housing and transport links etc. However, as the information above states, much of Britain's wildlife is being effected with areas of countryside being transformed from beautiful to building site...

Once again, on a completely different note, I really like the Google logo today...Very American Diner I feel!